A new piano

My recent acquisition of a Steinway Spirio B r (Steinway’s 7 foot concert grand with recording capabilities) marks I hope the beginning of the next stage of my development as a musician. Accessing the massive library of Steinway artists including among many others Lang Lang and Arthur Rubinstein, I can literally bring their precise performances directly into my living room down to the most subtle dynamics which the Spirio B r is stunningly capable of reproducing. Using the recording feature, I can play my pieces on the Spirio and then step away from the bench and critique my own performance, hearing as well the identical works performed by the greats and thus (hopefully!) elevating the level of my own musicianship.
I have heard it said that, as the performing artist, the concert pianist has the worst seat in the house, a disadvantage during the practice and rehearsal processes which the Spirio entirely eliminates! The merging of this cutting edge technology (the interface is facilitated through an IPAD supplied with the instrument) with a concert grand piano creates the ideal platform for increasing the efficiency of the practice, rehearsal and performance experiences exponentially, especially in the area of sound production.
Already I have heard myself play as my teacher hears me, which I have very quickly learned is quite different from how I hear myself. Subtle and nuanced errata in rhythms, dynamics, and notes that I am misplaying stand out when I listen from the perspective of the audience, thus enabling me to fix them as best as possible before my teacher hears me. And as a Spirio owner for just a couple of days, I know that I have not even begun to touch the potential of this instrument, including distance learning where great teachers can actually hear me play live on their own Spirios, not having to rely on an internet whose limited capabilities make even the greatest pianos in the world sound like muddled toys.
My goals are focused on becoming the best pianist that I can possibly be. I will keep you ‘all updated on how this magnificent piece of art blended with incredible technology moves me towards that goal.
Thanks by the way to Steinway Carolina with CEO Mark Love and Associates Harry and Leanna from the Greensboro Gallery for creating a situation which made the acquisition of this instrument possible!
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